Construction Pro

The Roadmap To Peak Performance



The Working World Transition

We are in the transition of a working world where “Inputs” are measured (time spent etc) to a working world of “Outputs”. Where the focus is on what you have actually done. A focus on “Real Results” not on the time spent.

At the same time, we are entering a world in which we can rely less and less on the government and our companies. Performing consistently at high levels is more difficult and more necessary than ever.

And so we created a part manifesto for construction mastery, part playbook for genius-grade work and part instruction manual for lasting impact!

Knowing how to progress your career effortlessly is a skill worth having. And once I transfer that skill to you, it’s your turn to use it.

And this course, Construction Pro, shows you exactly how to do it.

Our Goals for you:

Get you to Peak Performance.

We have lowered the barrier to entry considerably with world-class educational materials, expertise, proven systems, personalised tracking and high levels of accountability and support.

Reduce the time, effort and sacrifice required

We want to get you to Peak Performance in the most effective and efficient manner possible by ‘shortcutting’ the learning curve, identifying limiters quickly, and stacking rare skills efficiently.

The 5 pillars to create results

Right Information

An overwhelm of information online with no time to know what information is reliable and works for the unique construction industry.


Everyone would like to increase their income. But you do not rise to the level of your income, you fall to the level of your systems.

Tracking Capabilities

Order an über and you can visibly see how far away your über is. Track your progress to see how far away you are from Peak Performance.


Know the long-term consequences of your actions and then make the right decisions to capitalise on that.

Accountability + Support

With live events and workshops, it is not just about knowing the right steps to take, it is about executing them correctly without wasting your time.

We spent £200,000+ to find out the answers to the 3 BIG questions, so you don’t have to


How can you progress your career faster?


How can you make a bigger impact?


How can you earn a better income?

The Answer = To climb up the Peak Performance Pyramid

Peak Performance normally gets confused with Ambition. It is not only about ambition. It is about full engagement and pleasure in the work that you do. It is about being pulled to work, not pushed. It is about going to work with energy and excitement and leaving work with joy. Every. Single. Day.

The Simple Secret Formula to Peak Performance

Over the last 10+ years, I have learned and experienced a lot about what it takes to progress your career, provide value and gain the abilities to create an impact.

I’ve spent thousands of hours, and over £100k in research, courses and coaching programs to try and figure out the 3 BIG Questions.

And while I’ve learned a hell of a lot of things, the biggest thing I’ve learned is this:

There is no secret to progressing your career It’s just a matter of:

1. Acknowledging a gap between where you are and where you really want to be

2. Figure out where you already are. A map can only guide you to where you want to go if you know your precise starting point.

3. Develop the knowledge and skills to fill in the gaps

Honestly that’s all I takes

I personally guarantee that if you follow this 3 step formula, your career will change in ways you can’t imagine.

But you probably already knew that…

I welcome The 5 Powerful Concepts

Everything we do insde of Construction Pro is to influence these 5 concepts

Trajectory Growth Shift

You cannot make more time. So, you must do different rather than more.

Trajectory is the direction and speed and so the first and most important thing we want to do is to get you off the linear trajectory and onto the exponential trajectory.

As your career progresses, each unit of work you do should generate more and more results. Most careers progress fairly linearly. We want to Influence you to think and act exponentially.

Linear Trajectory: 1x Input = 2x Output
Exponential Trajectory: 1x Input = 10x Output

Value Equation

The more valuable you are, the more of an impact you can make. The more of an impact you can make, the higher the income you will earn.

This powerful little equation will give you everything you need to become the most powerful Construction Pro in the world.

The top side of the equation is where most Construction Pro’s focus their energy. It is easier and more common. But as time has gone on, I have realised that only the Peak Performers focus on the much harder and rarer bottom side of the equation.

GOAL: Make the outcome as certain, immediate and effortless as possible

The New Demand Curve

So once you become more valuable, you will naturally shift the demand curve. When you can shift the demand curve, your earning power increases. You can ask for a bigger salary. You can control your career. In other words, to be considered the best in your industry, you don’t need to be the best at any one thing. You need to be good at a variety of complementary and rare skills that your industry values and that your competitors lack.
  1. Become valuable to increase demand
  2. Become rare to decrease supply

Impact Theory

Impact is the aim. Income is the side effect

If you put in the work, you will become rare + valuable. You will be able to not only impact your team and projects, you will go on to impact your company, your clients, the industry and then eventually and hopefully, the world. And that brings us onto Impact Theory.

Stage 1 = Self, Team, Project

Stage 2 = Company, Clients

Stage 3 = Industry, World

The Virtuous Benevolence Cycle

And now for the finale’. The beautiful Virtuous Benevolence Cycle.

The ultimate aim.

To bring good will into the construction industry.

To uplift the construction industry.

To make a positive contribution to society.

I believe an individual has the power to do this. I truly do. When I look through history I have clear evidence of how much one person can contribute to society. I am always shocked by this. Think of Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi. The list goes on and on.

GOAL: A few influence the many. Become this.

So..we want you to become so valuable so that you can solve more problems. What we are giving you is all the expertise on how to do this. You avoid the cost of errors that you will naturally make in your career and so this will allow you to get to your dream outcome effectively and efficiently.
And so in short, you skip the bad stuff and go straight to the good stuff more quickly and for less money than it would cost you to figure it out on your own…a beautiful economic exchange.

All of this stuff is easy in theory, but so difficult in execution. Why?

Why do so few construction pro’s actually progress their career and get closer to their maximum capabilities? One word – TIME

Progressing your career is hard, because it takes a lot of time. 

Unless you are willing to stay in the office for hours and hours figuring this out

Unless you have someone who can tell you exactly what you have to do and support and help you until you get there, time is probably something you don’t have a lot of.

And if you’re like me, and you’ve got demands coming from all directions, or a family, or you just don’t have hours and hours to figure out what you need to do to progress, things are a lot harder. Most people then accept their situation.

I’m not saying that you can’t figure all of this out on your own. I did, but it took me 10+ years, thousands of hours, many conversations with construction experts, and £100k + in research, courses and coaching.

So how do you succeed in the construction industry without giving up all of your spare time?

You build a Peak Performance System
That’s the secret

If you can systemise and operationalise your career, you’ll be able to progress your career, increase your value, become much more irreplaceable, be able to help your team, projects and companies and genuinely love waking up excited to go to work..without sacrificing all of your time.

Walk into any McDonald’s anywhere in the world and you’ll get the same service, the same burger, the same fries. McDonald’s have done a great job of systemising their business. The systems are so good, and so evolved, that they can serve a ridiculous amount of customers in a ridiculous short space of time.

Just like McDonald’s, you want to build a system around your career.

Order something from Amazon and you can guarantee when it will arrive at your doorstep. Amazon have done a great job of systemising their business. The systems are so good, and so evolved, that you can order something in the morning and have it arrive in a ridiculously short space of time.

Just like Amazon, you want to build a system around your career.

The Construction Pro advances by extending the number of important operations which they can perform without thinking of them

Systems can do this.

Everyone works hard to get to the top. Work ethic is the price of admission. The difference in success comes from something else: Leverage.

Systems can do this.

Systems provide leverage. Leverage is how you increase your output while saving time.

That’s the true secret to succeeding as a world class Construction Pro.

Use the system that we have PRE-BUILT for you

The Peak Performance System

System 1:

System 2:

System 3:


The work before the work. This system will help you make less mistakes and become more strategic

The work. This system will help you create the actual value you are being paid for

The work between the work. This system will make you more effective when you are doing the actual work


Creating + tracking your career trajectory

Maximising experience points

Small daily improvements


How engaged you feel

How effective you are

How effortlessly you navigate each day

Guiding Principle

Direction is more important than speed

Do. More

Micro slow, macro fast


Reflect + Review

Learn + Review

Learn + Document

You do not rise to the level of Peak Performance, you fall to the level of your systems

We want to systematically take you to Peak Performance

We want to systematically help you to change your trajectory and accelerate your career

We want to systematically help you to become the most valuable construction pro you know

We want to systematically help you become rare, desirable and irreplaceable

We want to systematically get you to create vast impact across projects and companies

We want to systematically get you to virtuously uplift the entire industry

View System

what you can optimise with Construction Pro











how it works


From Construction Amateur to Construction Master

Hilan Shah

My life and career changed the moment I took full responsibility of it. As simple as that sounds, I was always waiting for someone to tell me how to progress, and how to maximise my capabilities. It never came.

Since the day I took full responsibility, the quality of my life had tripled. The quality of my career had 10x’d.

I realised that my career was simply the consequence of the decisions I made and the actions I took. I realised that with new information, I can change decisions and I can get different results. Better results. I suddenly had more power than I ever did before. I went on to design and create a career that I now love waking up to every single day. I now had the power to shape my performances and the quality of the work I was producing. I had the ability to raise my own standards. I had the ability to set myself up for rave success.

What skills, knowledge, capabilities am I missing that will require me to be the best version of myself? What can I do to make myself more valuable? These questions inevitably started to pop up as I started to take back control.

I have now seen how much impact and influence one person can have in an industry because they made the decision to grow and develop and to build the desire to become a world class Construction Pro. To become a Peak Performer. And so my hope is that this inspires you to take full responsibility of your career and start the journey to become the most valuable Construction Pro you know. The rewards are just incomprehensible.

I only reached 30% of my capabilities. I had zero idea what I needed to do to reach 100%. NOW I DO! I created Construction Pro because of it. And now it’s your turn!

I am now committed, what do I get in the course curriculum

I laid this course out from zero understanding, zero skills to max understanding, max skills. We learn more skills as we progress in the course. And when we have more skills, we can progress our career effortlessly and become more and more valuable. I want this course to help a Construction Pro get to unshakeable confidence and consistency and to crack promotion after promotion and beyond.

So, we go from setting you up for success to building a career progression machine. Here’s the breakdown:

In this module we introduce you to the exponential way of thinking which is our long term foundation for everything that we do inside of Construction Pro.

Let’s take learning to play the piano as an example. The linear way would be to learn to play each song individually. Learn one song, then learn the next.

The exponential way would be to learn piano music theory. This would take longer in the beginning but then you will be able to play song after song in minutes just by looking at the theory notes.

After a few years the linear player will be able to play 40, 50 songs. The exponential player will be able to play 1000s.

Once we train you to think like this, to make better choices, exponential choices, you will start to get exponential returns in your career. This is unbelievably powerful when you grasp the concept.

What we will cover in this module:

How we will ensure you succeed in your career

Why this work is so so important today v previous generations

The 4 principles that will 100x your career (my most important video in the entire course)

The 5 Powerful Concepts deconstructed with depth

How to become the most valuable construction pro that you know

How to double your impact and massively increase the likelihood of success

How to 4x your output with only a few shifts in your actions

The neuroscience behind it all (just more evidence that this all works)

Our incredible 3 step progression formula

Real life case studies of success for you to replicate

The Construction Pro Journey so you know what to focus on at each stage

Our visionary process to get you ultra clear on your direction (this completely changed my life)


Objective = Commit to Raising Standards

We have now set the foundation from the introductory module. We can now start to build above the ground. In this module we will look at the 3 pillars that will hold your structure upright. Mindset, Motivation and Techniques.

In Part 1, Mindset, you’ll learn what is possible when you align yourself with the most elite Construction Pros out there that I have had the pleasure to interact with.

In Part 2, Motivation, you’ll discover the keys to unleash your drive and energy and learn how to be useful.

In Part 3, Techniques, you’ll learn to master multiplier skills. Doing so exponentially increases the value of every hour you devote to your career.

What else can you expect in this module:

What else can you expect in this module:

The skill stacking method that will allow you to see and do more than anyone else

How can you become the best? You need to be good at ONLY 3 complementary and rare skills that the construction industry values and your competitors lack

The 8 core success principles that will ‘shortcut’ your learning curve

The 9 progress models that will allow you to clear hurdles on your way to a 100m Olympic sprint

What Jay-Z taught me about success and how we can do the exact same thing in the construction industry

I worked with a CEO of one of the largest construction companies. He explained one principle to me which I now share with you

If someone has achieved ‘success’ in the construction industry ‘faster’ than you, then they simply have a better allocator of one single resource! Let’s find out what and utilise it

How to make better strategic decisions and less mistakes in your career

Mount Everest has 7 stages to summit. We will show you our Mount Everest equivalent for the construction industry so you too can summit to the top

The 4 ultimate stories to raise you up forever. One story COMPLETELY changed my career

How to behave like James Bond and use skills to cope with unusual problems in new places

What we can learn from Apple, Tesla, AirBnb and apply to our careers


Objective = Be useful + Build your arsenal of tools to solve problems

Every career is bottlenecked by the Construction Pro in only ever 1 of 3 ways: Skills, Traits, Beliefs. Thus, self-improvement projects will often be wasted effort if you fail to address your bottleneck.

In this module you will take the member only quiz inside to find out exactly where you are, what your bottleneck is, and what you need to do to improve. Then track your progress every 6 months.

Why do we need to track do you ask?

In aviation there’s a principle called the ‘1 in 60 rule’, which means that being off target by 1 degree will lead to a plane missing its end destination by 1 mile for every 60 miles flown. This concept also applies to our careers. Something that feels like a small miss now can create a big miss later. This highlights the need for the real-time course corrections and adjustments that this module provides. 

Then once you have your quiz results, we move onto phase 2 of this module, where we discuss this incredible model:

Most people act in their careers like they train in the gym. They train hard but do not eat well for the rest of the day and then they wonder why they never move forward and build the muscle. They are always one step forward, one step back. This is the same as going to work everyday. You spend 8-10 hours at work each day, yet you don’t do the little things that are going to make the biggest differences.

They say 70% of the results in the gym come from outside the gym, in the kitchen. This is the same as our careers. 70% of the results we will see at work will come from the tiny moments and activities before and after work (the Mapping and the Meshing) to set you up for success. Train hard in the gym and eat right in the kitchen and you will exponentially get stronger and more muscular. Perform well at work and do the little things before and after your working day and exponentially become more valuable.

Guiding Principle = IF YOU DON’T TRACK, YOU DON’T CARE

Objective = Identify Bottleneck + Solve

You have identified exactly where you are in your career in Module 2.

We can now dive into the incredibly powerful Peak Performance Framework

If there is a most important “how to” section, it’s this one:

Part 1 = Low to Peak Performance Levels Explained

Part 2 = Models Part 1, 2 and 3

Part 3 = Models into Performance Levels

Part 4 = Peak Performance Decline and Threats to World Class

The chef is a trailblazer, the person who invents recipes. He knows the raw ingredients and how to combine them.

The cook uses a recipe. He creates something, perhaps with slight variations, that’s already been created.

If the cook lost the recipe, he’d be screwed. The chef, on the other hand, understands the flavour profiles and combinations at such a fundamental level that he doesn’t even use a recipe. He has real knowledge as opposed to know-how. The Chef is our analogy of a Peak Performer.

In this module we will learn:

How to increase your impact and influence. Broken down into 3 stages

How to reach outstanding levels of standards for yourself

Why thinking like a Grandmaster chess player can benefit you tremendously

How many skills you need at each level of performance

How to truly maximise your potential. Broken down into 6 simple components

How to develop your knowledge from broad to deep. Explicit to tacit. Minor to significant.

The 4 levels of action and how much work is really required to progress to Peak Performance

The simple mindset shifts that you can make in 5 seconds to completely shift your perspective which will allow you to see the next level

How to become the most consistent Construction Pro and win Player of The Match every game

How we can shift the promotion scale in your favour so you can earn the income that you want

Why a Construction Pro declines and what we can do to prevent them from dropping their performances

How to outwork your self doubt and get seriously confident


Objective = Win Player of The Match (POTM) every game

You now have the entire STRATEGY. Now for the TOOLS and the TACTICS.

These are the 3 BIG questions we want answered:

How can you progress your career faster? (SPEED)

How can you make a bigger impact? (IMPACT)

How can you earn more than you imagined? (INCOME)

This module shows you exactly what you need to do step-by-step to answer them!

Then we looked at the 5 Powerful Concepts:

Trajectory Growth Shift

Value Equation

New Demand Curve

Impact Theory

Virtuous Benevolent Cycle

This module will show you the exact activities you need to be doing to Influence the 5 Powerful Concepts.

Part 1 = 4 Practices of Peak Performing Pro’s

Part 2 = 3 Systems to Scale

Part 3 = 7 Forms of Mastery

Why are we so confident this will work?

Toyota was announced as the world’s leading automaker in terms of sales for 3rd consecutive year in 2023. Central to the company’s success is something called the ‘Toyota Production System’. This was created to extract maximum potential from each component, machine and employee. We believe we have created something equivalent for the construction industry.

The systems that will help you to achieve everything we have promised:

This is where I walk you through on how to use each of them. So you might as well load up. Learning how to use this system is a skill worth having.

Here is something for you to think about:

Apple spent almost $100 billion on R&D innovating its products over the last 5 years. How much have you spent to innovate yourself? We never think of it this way and so in this module we will look at what the equivalent of R&D is for individuals and how much time we should be allocating to innovate ourselves.

In this module you will also learn:

The Peak Performing Pro Deconstruction Model

4 of the rarest skills in Construction Pro

Learn our 10 step formula for maximising your experience points

Learn how to increase the value of every experience point you accumulate

Why the Playbook is the ultimate Construction Pro #1 SUPERPOWER and how it will completely transform your career

How you can become the most knowledgeable person in your company with very simple shifts in thinking and little effort and time

The real secret of achieving an exceptional decade based on the latest science about how the highest performers in the world actually progressed so fast

Why it is costing you 50k a year not knowing how to make 50k a year

How I deconstructed the best Construction Pro I have ever come across into 7 Forms of Mastery. This is for heavyweights only

We take inspiration from Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pablo Picasso, Rocky and Ferrari and I show you what we can learn from these greats and apply to the construction industry

The more you do this, the faster you will progress
The more you do this, the closer to a level 10 Peak Performer you will become
The more you do this, the more valuable you will become
The more you do this, the bigger an impact that you will have
The more you do this, the more irreplaceable you will become
The more you do this, the more you will earn
The more you do this, the better a role model you will become
The more you do this, the more you uplift the industry

Guiding Principle = DO. MORE.

Objective = Believe in yourself. Do not underestimate the amount of impact and influence you can have on the construction industry.

2 people start their career at the same time. They end up in completely different places in 10 years. Why is this?

Different strategies. Different outcome

Here is our Roadmap to get you to Peak Performance:

Level 1 = drop ego, admit deficiencies, humility to grow (SEEK TRUTH)

Level 2 = develop vision + gain clarity on future direction (DEVELOP VISION)

Level 3 = develop growth mindset + learn success principles (MINDSET + SUCCESS PRINCIPLES)

Level 4 = learn what will stop you from progressing + anticipate (ANTICIPATE ROADBLOCKS)

Level 5 = take quiz to discover current performance level (DISCOVER PERFORMANCE LEVEL)

Level 6 = identify bottleneck (skill, trait, belief) + solve (SOLVE BOTTLENECK)

Level 7 = 4 practices of peak performing pro’s (4 PRACTICES)

Level 8 = 3 systems to implement to scale (3 SYSTEMS)

Level 9 = 7 forms of mastery (MASTERY)


Objective = Change your behaviour faster

The Construction Pro Journey

If you have ever wanted to make a positive contribution to society. This course will show you how

What you’ll get with Construction Pro

The Complete Construction Pro System

The entire Construction Pro System. Inside is everything you’ll ever need on how to effortlessly reach Peak Performance, maximise your impact and maximise your income.

Lifetime Access

So that as you progress up towards Peak Performance and as your life changes, there’ll always be useful information and insights you can benefit from every step of the way.

The Core Construction Pro Curriculum

15+ hours of training taking you all the way from zero understanding, zero skills to max understanding, max skills.

Your Own Personal Platform + Mobile App

Access hours of detailed training so you can master the information, tools and strategies from your own personal dashboard + bonus mobile app to access from wherever you are.

Master APL Pre-Built System

This is the system that will help you progress faster, impact more and earn better. In depth training on how it works, how to implement and how to customise it to your unique career path.

Tracking Capabilities

The hardest part of succeeding as a Construction Pro is gauging whether the effort you are putting in will yield the results that you want. Our tracking capabilities were created to combat this.

Employer Reimbursement

Most large organisations, and many smaller ones, will reimburse tuition for professional development and training courses. This is the exact template that has been used by previous members. Pay now, get reimbursed later.

The Ultimate Success Formula Method

People who succeed in any situation have a pattern to achieve those results. It doesn’t matter if their success is in Surveying, Architecture, Engineering etc. The fundamental formula for success is very basic and is just one of the many fascinating strategies taught at Construction Pro. This will truly help you get what you want in your career.

The Bottleneck Guide

We stop progressing in our careers the moment we realize: the cost of achievement is more than we’re willing to pay or we don’t have the skills, traits, or beliefs to decrease the cost to achievement. Our job is to help you identify and breakthrough your limiters and bottlenecks so you can progress effortlessly.

Transform Your Career Guide

This Blueprint is a step by step guided process to plan and build your career. It will give you complete focus and ensure that every brick that you lay in your career has meaning and intention. Elon Musk once said. ‘Most people will panic to find a charger before their phone dies. But won’t panic to find a plan before their dream dies.’ Not anymore Elon.

Construction Mastery Belief System

We are in a new world. A post internet world. Be wary of the ideas you inherit. Old conventions and previous forms are often accepted without question and, once accepted, they set limits in your career. To really change fast, adopt new empowering beliefs. This is the true engine that runs our system. Lean into them closely.

The £100k Success Method

Over £100k on research, thousands of hours of learning, trial and error and learning from the best in the world. This is every single way to become successful in the construction industry.

Progress Model Stack

Stack skills to become more valuable. Stack progress models to break through any obstacles. Have you ever wanted to do something and you know it is a good idea, but you just can’t do it. This is called being human and we all suffer from this. Now we have a solution.

Winning The Game of Construction Playbook

The 10 Steps to take your career from where you are now to where your dreams would allow it to go. This playbook will give you every step to win at the game of construction and it is so so simple. I really mean that. You will never need any other steps to follow after this.

The Exceptional Decade Method

Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results. Sometimes we think to achieve Peak Performance we require lots of big changes. But this method will show you otherwise. Remember the plane that went 1 degree of course and ended up somewhere they didn’t want. This method will help to prevent this.

The Playbook Method

This to me is the number #1 SUPERPOWER of the construction industry. Imagine walking into projects and being able to detect the problems and have solutions at hand ready to help your team and project. Be the Pro that has the unique insights to solve problems that other people just can’t see. Start this now. Thank me later.

The Ultimate External Brain

How often have you tried to remember something important and felt it slip through your mental grasp? As the amount of information we have access to grows, we show you how to manage it all. Find anything you have previously learned, organise your knowledge and notes, save your best thinking, connect ideas and notice patterns across different projects. Comes with a pre-built template so you can plug and play.

Mind The Gap Method

Have you ever wondered how some people just have so much knowledge and they are able to articulate so well? We have a solution to this which has been one of my best discoveries to date. This has helped me tremendously to ‘catch up’ with all the world class pro’s out there. I call it the Mind The Gap Method.

Peak Performance Scaling Roadmap

To get to where you want to go, it pays to know what lies ahead. This is where I describe the phases you will go through as you scale to Peak Performance. Identify where you are on the performance totem pole so you know what to do to get to the next level.

The 4 Rarest Skills Playbook

What would you do if I could teach you the 4 rarest skills of a Construction Pro in detail? I have left nothing out. We go all in. Together.

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Wait, there is more?

Yup. We’ve decided to give you even more for free…

Construction Pro Booster Pack

You’ll get access to our biggest course; Construction Pro Gen 1: 60 Hours of World Class Knowledge to help you become the most knowledgeable person you know in your industry. This includes 20 modules and over 200+ videos. 60 hours CPD Certificate included.

Deep Training Workshops

The workshops guide members through stages of growth, taking training and member support to new heights. Explore two specialty topics that are fundamental for career optimisation: Goal Setting Workshop + Traits Development Workshop. More workshops are coming soon!

Ongoing Live Events

Peak Performance takes time. We will be supporting and enabling growth with perpetual live events.

Course + Systems + Tracking Capabilities + Strategies + Events + Workshops + Bonuses = Construction Pro

How much does this cost?

I want this to be more valuable than any £50,000 degree for you. Set yourself up for success in the construction industry in 30 days.

One time fee

Lifetime Access

The Complete Construction Pro System

15+ Hours of Core Construction Pro Curriculum

Personal Platform + Mobile App

Master APL System Pre-Built

Member Only Tracking Capabilities

Deep Training Workshops

Ongoing Live Events

Pro Level Support & Accountability

60+ Hours Formal CPD + Certificate

One Payment



We want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you - if you’re actually going to do the work.

We’re confident that after experiencing the joy of progressing your career, you won’t want to go back to ‘normal’.

So confident, we’ve introduced a Peak Performance Guarantee. If you have put in the work and do not reach Peak Performance within 24 months, drop us an email and we will refund your entire payment.

Try everything, test it for yourself, be sceptical, keep what’s useful, and discard what’s not.


Frequently Asked Questions

I think it’s good for anybody who wants to progress their career and wake up more excited every day. Anybody who wants to control their own career. Anybody who wants to deterministically and reliably improve their ability to earn more over time, is patient, and is looking at the long haul. This will apply to almost everybody in the construction industry who has an ‘office’ role. Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, Project Managers, Clients side, Contractors side, Commercial Managers, Project Directors etc.

Another way to think about this:

I want to provide value to two types of construction professionals. The first are low performers. My goal is to help you get to high performance (by giving you the information, systems and resources), and, in doing so, earn your trust. Try a couple of tactics from this course, become more valuable, then try a few more, become more valuable. The more valuable you become, the better.

Do it enough, and you will even get to Peak Performance, and that takes me to the second type of construction professional that I want to provide value for: the high performer. I want to take you to Peak Performance.

When you do the work, these are some of the changes that you will experience. We call these the measure of progress. Keep coming back to this list to see in what areas you have improved. They are the outcomes of your effort.

  • You feel more confident and you have more confidence in your abilities
  • You feel in complete control of your career
  • You have a feeling of power to dictate your terms
  • You have deeper knowledge to have better conversations
  • You hesitate less and are more comfortable speaking your mind
  • You ask more questions than you have done before. You are more curious
  • You challenge seniors more often on their thoughts and methodologies
  • You question assumptions and how things are done
  • You simply think more than you used to
  • Your days are more frictionless, effortless and less stressful
  • You feel less overwhelmed and anxious
  • You enjoy your work a lot more. You feel excited to go to work everyday
  • You get more work done in a week
  • You feel far more accomplished
  • You have less doubt about your abilities
  • Your standards have increased and you do not tolerate low quality work from yourself
  • You are more consistent with the quality of your work
  • You make less excuses
  • You take on more responsibility and accountability and you feel comfortable doing so
  • You reflect more on the quality of your day
  • You feel more at peace and have more joy in your day
  • You are happier in life outside of work
  • Your manager gives you more work and starts to come to you instead of your colleagues
  • You feel more trust from other people in your work
  • Your colleagues come to you for advice and ask for help with certain issues
  • You feel more useful than you have previously done
  • You are far more organised and tidy
  • You are proud of your work
  • You sleep easier at night knowing that you did what you wanted to do
  • You have more to say in meetings
  • You can advise on certain topics faster and with more confidence
  • You are able to bring in more unique insights than others
  • You feel clearer and calmer than you have ever done before
  • You feel truly fulfilled and satisfied with your career and quality of work that you produce


I am so certain that you will experience at least 50% of these in as little as 6 months of putting in the work.

Hey, I am Hilan

  • Graduated from the best university in the world (Loughborough University)
  • Worked for one of the best companies in the world (Balfour Beatty)
  • Co-founded a Young Professionals Group in the construction industry which is still thriving today
  • Progressed my career faster than most
  • Chartered with the RICS
  • Exposed to the top 1% of construction professionals in the world
  • Worked directly with the top 0.1% of construction professionals in the world
  • The CEO of Balfour Beatty said that I reminded him of the great Olympians who only got to Gold Standard by their dedication, focus and determination to be the best that they could be
  • 1000s of hours of conversations
  • Nearly 10,000 hours of work to create this 
  • Spent £200,000 to create a masterpiece for the entire construction industry
  • Rated 9/10 by top 1% Construction Pro’s
  • Validated by top 1% Construction Pro’s

And please believe me when I say this. I was not even that good. I am not very smart. I left so so much on the table. I truly believe that you can do far better than I did.

Well, that depends. This certainly isn’t a magic bullet.

We can make it much easier to get you to Peak Performance

But we can’t actually do the work for you. You have to put in the effort yourself

This will not work for you if:

1. You’re not willing to put in the time and effort to learn the methods and systems. Just for context it will take you c.30 days to watch the course and get set up for success. From there you will need to dedicate at least 1 hour per day. I know this will defer some people from buying this course but I want to be 100% honest upfront. I only want results from you and to get results it will take at least 1 hour per day. The long way is the shortcut. Because the shortcut never gets you there.

2. You’re looking for a magic bullet that’ll get your career to progress fast without any effort. There’s no secret here. It’s just about putting in the work, doing it consistently, and stacking the deck in your favour in whatever way you can.

3. You’re looking for a guaranteed path to Peak Performance. There are no guarantees in this game. It’s like turning up for work and expecting promotion after promotion. That’s not how it works. We’ll teach you the systems and processes that have worked for us and our members, but we obviously can’t ‘guarantee’ any specific result.

The one thing we can guarantee is that if you do the work, take this seriously, and do this for at least 12 months, your career will change in much more ways than you can imagine.

Our only objectives are to make it easier for you to reach Peak Performance and to genuinely make you excited to go to work everyday.

If that sounds like something you’d like, then this is the course for you.

From speaking to my current members, we have found 6 criteria that can stop you from reaching Peak Performance:

  1. Information is not power. You won’t progress by watching. You have to take action
  2. You have to drop your ego and seek the truth and admit deficiencies. Your brain will always make you feel good. You have to override this
  3. You have to believe that you can reach Peak Performance. If not, then this won’t work for you
  4. You have to be open to change. You cannot do what you have always done and expect different results. This is insanity
  5. You have to believe that you do not have all the answers. You have to have humility to learn from other people who know more than you do
  6. You need one hour of time per day to do the work outside of the work that you are paid for

To improve performance, we need to lever up.

Leverage magnifies your actions and increases your productivity. You can get leverage through:

– labour (people work for you)

– capital (money works for you)

– tools (machines work for you)

The system that we have built for you is a tool. It will magnify your actions and increase your productivity.

We also want you to develop rare and valuable skills. Skills are amplified by tools. So you will be able to develop skills much faster with our tools. Our system. 

We have overlaid and built our system on top of a platform called Notion. They are a $10bn software company. We have built the system for you and there are no extra hidden costs. All you have to do is plug and play and we walk you through how best to use the system.

Your view of your career will start to change very quickly. Your perspective will start to shift quickly. And once your thinking changes, it won’t be long until your actions start to gather momentum and results start to come. Success always follows a compounding curve whereby results are always slow in the beginning but speed up very quickly until you get to a point where you are simply surprised at how far you have come. This feeling is magical.

Based on previous members, I suggest it takes around 30 days to get fully set up for success. You will see small changes in 3+ months and big changes in 12+ months. Peak Performance personally took me 24 months.

Slow down for 1 season. Speed up for 50 seasons. If I ask you to take this trade, you would 100% do it. Most people would, but they don’t act like it. 

Because of our insane research, testing and creation process!

Everything has to pass through this tight filter for me:

1. This will be true in 10, 20 years time. As information spreads and science confirms more of the way the world works, everything we teach you inside Construction Pro is timeless. It will be true in 10 years, 20 years time. No one has yet asked me to take them to low performance.

2. If only 1% of decisions matter, and the rest of them are irrelevant, what 1% of decisions will move the needle for your career.

3. When we have 10,000 people inside of our platform, I want 10,000 of them to succeed. So I have to factor luck out of it and it has to be systemised. How many times have you gone to McDonalds and gotten different fries? None. Exactly.

Here is an insight into our creative process of developing the information, models, quiz, systems etc:

  1. Observe, research, read, learn, study, analyse (10+ years experience, £100k+ research, courses, coaching, thousands of hours of work)
  2. Apply to my own career
  3. Absorb what is useful
  4. Reject what is useless
  5. Add what is specifically my own
  6. Create models, frameworks, steps
  7. Have this validated by World Class Pro’s (Fellows, CEO’s etc.)
  8. Check with reality by testing out on current members
  9. Based on results of test, rule out what does not work and is not true
  10. Double down on what works, what is true. Create Construction Pro!

I wanted to make this affordable for everyone worldwide.

It saddens me that we are limited by our circumstances and that we really believe we have no power to change. 

I really believe education is the answer to equality.

I really believe that the internet has levelled the playing field for humanity.

I really believe Construction Pro will give anyone an equal chance to reach Peak Performance, no matter their country of origin, background or IQ.

I have been able to invest £200k to create something that would uplift the entire construction industry, bring in equality and the chance for anyone to reach Peak Performance.

I believe this course will provide you more value than a £50,000 degree and any £2,000 course.

If I was to charge £2,000 I would be limiting the long term impact of what is possible.

Managers and leaders now do not have the time to train you
People move jobs more frequently than they have done before and so companies are less incentivised to train you
When was the last time you got good advice and support?

Let me take you through how we created Construction Pro based on my Tiered Advice System.

The typical advice that we all get in our careers is: work harder. But there are actually 5 tiers of advice:

Tier 1 = Statement
Tier 2 = Statement + Advice
Tier 3 = Statement + Advice + Reason (Why)
Tier 4 = Statement + Advice + Reason + Accountability and Support
Tier 5 = Statement + Advice + Reason + Accountability and Support + Systems

Tier 1 = Work harder
Tier 2 = Work harder + Stay 2 hours longer at work or come in one hour earlier
Tier 3 = Work harder + Stay 2 hours longer at work or come in one hour earlier + So that you can increase your experience points or compound time v conventional time
Tier 4 = Work harder + Stay 2 hours longer at work or come in one hour earlier + So that you can increase your experience points or compound time v conventional time + I will support you until you get to where you want to go
Tier 5 = Work harder + Stay 2 hours longer at work or come in one hour earlier + So that you can increase your experience points or compound time v conventional time + I will support you until you get to where you want to go + here are the 3 systems that we have created for you to ensure success

Most advice we hear today is in Tier 1 and Tier 2. I have worked for one of the best companies in the world and have been surrounded by serious world class pro’s and the advice I was always given was average at best. It was always in Tier 1 + Tier 2. What about Tier 3,4,5? 

What you will get from Construction Pro is Tier 5 advice. 

We will give you all the traditional career advice or work harder, set goals…and we will explain in depth all the reasons why, give you the support and accountability all the way through as you progress and help you to implement the systems so that we factor luck out of it and ensure that you are absolutely going to reach success in the industry.

If I tell you that you can earn £20k+ by only investing £450, would you take this? Of course you would. Everyone in the world would take this. 

And as Warren Buffet, the world greatest investor says: “By far the best investment you can make is in yourself. If you invest in yourself, nobody can take it away from you,”

As I say. skills compound faster than money. Invest accordingly because If everyone saw learning skills as a real investment, more would do it:

– They go up in value
– No one can take them from you
– They can’t be taxed
– They compound all other investments
– Great price v lifelong returns

SO..Double down on the one asset you hold forever – YOU

We understand accountability, encouragement, guidance and validation are all part of the “secret sauce” that help you follow through on the course. That’s why we have ongoing live events.

You can also think of this as more of a service than a product. A product would be an online course on its own. If it is a product you receive it and generally our relationship ends unless something is wrong with the product. A service on the other hand is continuous and caring. We work together on your progress. We have systems to help you, we have tracking abilities to measure your progress often and we have perpetual live events to keep you accountable, troubleshoot anything you do not understand and help you to progress faster.  Our relationship with you does not end.

Change captures our attention because it’s surprising and exciting. But timeless principles that never change are the most powerful lessons because they preview what to expect in the future.

A lot of people ask what’s going to change in the next ten years. However, not many people think to ask what’s not going to change in the next ten years.

Things that never change are important because you can put so much confidence into knowing how they’ll shape the future. It’s impossible to imagine a future where Construction Pro’s don’t want to get better and earn more – so we have put enormous investments into those things.

Peak Performance normally gets confused with Ambition. It is not only about ambition. It is about excitement. It is about going to work with energy and enthusiasm and leaving work with joy. Every. Single. Day. Peak performance is not about hustle and grind. It is about play and love. It is about slowing down to speed up.

We want you to maximise your capabilities, become the best version of yourself and genuinely wake up excited every day.

The results of transformation: Self confidence, self love, industry acclaim, influence, impact, income, joy, peace and freedom. Why would anyone not want this!

This course is aimed at Construction Pro’s of all abilities. Being at High Performance provides you with a really solid foundation to grow and scale your career and we hope we can help you to reach Peak Performance through the lessons in the course. Kudos to you for still being a high performer and wanting to improve further. We need more people like you in the industry.

You are a rare diamond and likely in the top 1% of the entire construction industry. So impressive. Whilst you will know more than most of our members already, we really believe our system and methods are so unique that you will learn so many new methods, tools, tactics and strategies. 

We also believe that maintenance is a myth and that you are either growing or dying. That means there will be a tendency to coast when you become a Peak Performer which you have to know how to prevent.

And please always remember..advanced people always do the basics.

The whole training is delivered through our world class learning system. This means you start the course at the top, and everything from the training videos, events and exercises, are laid out simply for you. No hunting for links or trying to find times! Everything is on one personalised platform. We also have an app (iOS + Android) for you to watch on the go.

As soon as you purchase today, you will get complete access to the entire course + bonuses! Your email credentials into the course will be sent into your inbox straight after payment.

No problem, we’ll send you an email after your purchase with the option to let us know you need an invoice.

If you have any additional questions, send us an email! We’re happy to help. Or alternatively book a call with the founder by clicking here…

Here’s everything that you’ll get access to


One Payment

The Complete Construction Pro System – The entire Construction Pro System. Inside is everything you’ll ever need on how to effortlessly reach Peak Performance, maximise your impact and maximise your income.

Lifetime Access – So that as you progress up towards Peak Performance and as your life changes, there’ll always be useful information and insights you can benefit from every step of the way.

The Core Construction Pro Curriculum – 15+ hours of training taking you all the way from zero understanding, zero skills to max understanding, max skills.

Your Own Personal Platform + Mobile App – Access hours of detailed training so you can master the information, tools and strategies from your own personal dashboard + bonus mobile app to access from wherever you are.

Master APL Pre-Built System – This is the system that will help you progress faster, impact more and earn better. In depth training on how it works, how to implement and how to customise it to your unique career path.

Tracking Capabilities – The hardest part of succeeding as a Construction Pro is gauging whether the effort you are putting in will yield the results that you want. Our tracking capabilities were created to combat this. Inside our platform, after you enrol, we measure you on far more data so you can more visibly and more accurately see your results. We track you on the 10 core metrics: vision, confidence, standards, capabilities, impact, productivity, accountability, consistency, influence and mindset. We also track you every 6 months to see how much you have improved so that you can be confident that the effort you are putting in is yielding fast and predictable results.

Employer Reimbursement – Most large organisations, and many smaller ones, will reimburse tuition for professional development and training courses. This is the exact template that has been used by previous members. Pay now, get reimbursed later.

The Ultimate Success Formula Method – People who succeed in any situation have a pattern to achieve those results. It doesn’t matter if their success is in Surveying, Architecture, Engineering etc. The fundamental formula for success is very basic and is just one of the many fascinating strategies taught at Construction Pro. This will truly help you get what you want in your career.

The Bottleneck Guide – We stop progressing our careers the moment we realise: the cost of achievement is more than we’re willing to pay or we don’t have the skills, traits, or beliefs to decrease the cost to achievement. Our job is to help you identify and breakthrough your limiters and bottlenecks so you can progress effortlessly.

Transform Your Career Guide – This Blueprint is a step by step guided process to plan and build your career. It will give you complete focus and ensure that every brick that you lay in your career has meaning and intention. Elon Musk once said. ‘Most people will panic to find a charger before their phone dies. But won’t panic to find a plan before their dream dies.’ Not anymore Elon.

Construction Mastery Belief System – We are in a new world. A post internet world. Be wary of the ideas you inherit. Old conventions and previous forms are often accepted without question and, once accepted, they set limits in your career. To really change fast, adopt new empowering beliefs. This is the true engine that runs our system. Lean into them closely.

The £100k Success Method – Over £100k on research, thousands of hours of learning, trial and error and learning from the best in the world. This is every single way to become successful in the construction industry.

Progress Model Stack – Stack skills to become more valuable. Stack progress models to break through any obstacles. Have you ever wanted to do something and you know it is a good idea, but you just can’t do it. This is called being human and we all suffer from this. Now we have a solution.

Winning The Game of Construction Playbook – The 10 steps to take your career from where you are now to where your dreams would allow it to go. This playbook will give you every step to win at the game of construction and it is so so simple. I really mean that. You will never need any other steps to follow after this.

The Exceptional Decade Method – Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results. Sometimes we think to achieve Peak Performance we require lots of big changes. But this method will show you otherwise. Remember the plane that went 1 degree of course and ended up somewhere they didn’t want. This method will help to prevent this.

The Playbook Method – This to me is the number #1 SUPERPOWER of the construction industry. Imagine walking into projects and being able to detect the problems and have solutions at hand ready to help your team and project. Be the Pro that has the unique insights to solve problems that other people just can’t see. Start this now. Thank me later.

The Ultimate External Brain – How often have you tried to remember something important and felt it slip through your mental grasp? As the amount of information we have access to grows, we show you how to manage it all. Find anything you have previously learned, organise your knowledge and notes, save your best thinking, connect ideas and notice patterns across different projects. Comes with a pre-built template so you can plug and play.

Mind The Gap Method – Have you ever wondered how some people just have so much knowledge and they are able to articulate so well? We have a solution to this which has been one of my best discoveries to date. This has helped me tremendously to ‘catch up’ with all the world class pro’s out there. I call it the Mind The Gap Method.

Peak Performance Scaling Roadmap – To get to where you want to go, it pays to know what lies ahead. This is where I describe the phases you will go through as you scale to Peak Performance. Identify where you are on the performance totem pole so you know what to do to get to the next level.

The 4 Rarest Skills Playbook – What would you do if I could teach you the 4 rarest skills of a Construction Pro in detail? I have left nothing out. We go all in. Together.


🎁 Construction Pro Booster Pack – You’ll get access to our biggest course; Construction Pro Gen 1: 60 Hours of World Class Knowledge to help you become the most knowledgeable person you know in your industry. This includes 20 modules and over 200+ videos. 60 hours CPD Certificate included.

🎁 Deep Training Workshops – The workshops guide members through stages of growth, taking training and member support to new heights. Explore two specialty topics that are fundamental for career optimisation: Goal Setting Workshop + Traits Development Workshop. More workshops are coming soon!

🎁 Ongoing Live Events – Peak Performance takes time. We will be supporting and enabling growth with perpetual live events.

Need a hand?

Still not sure?

Just want to chat?

Drop us an email at

If you’ve got any questions about the course, or need a hand with anything else, we’re just an email away. Drop us a message and we’ll do our best to help 😊

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